Register & Attend The Miss NJ Candidate Development Workshop

Register & Attend The Miss NJ Candidate Development Workshop

The Miss New Jersey Education Foundation is pleased to offer a 1-day comprehensive MAO training seminar. Hone your skills as you prepare for competition.  Attendees will hear from experts on a myriad of topics and have the opportunity to participate in a variety workshops.  This is the first of its kind workshop to be held in the Garden State.  If you’re thinking about competing you won’t want to miss this incredible opportunity!

October 9 – 10, 2020

Rutgers University Inn & Conference Center
178 Ryders Ln, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

$35 per person (lunch included); teens welcome
Please Register By 9/30/20
*Free to Local Titleholders Competing For Miss New Jersey 2021 in June 

Featured Topics:

  • Children’s Miracle Network
  • Nutritional & Physical Fitness
  • Image Projection
  • Social Media
  • Miss America 2.0 Brand Representation
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Mock Interview & Analysis
  • Public Speaking
  • Social Impact Development
  • Wardrobe Selection
  • Hair & Makeup Tips
  • Talent Selection & Development
